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Delhi “state” chapter

The Association of Surgeons of India – Delhi Chapter was established in 1979 to realise a long standing wish among the Indian surgeons to get together for the purpose of sharing each other’s experiences and enhancing their surgical skills.

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Delhi “state” chapter
Best Paper Award

Competitive Paper Session (SURGICON 2022)

  • FIRST POSITION: Dr. Divya G S, UCMS, DelhiMobile: 9964653032, Email: divyagsk5513@gmail.com
  • SECOND POSITION: Dr. Yellamraju Saikaustubh, AIIMS, DelhiMobile: 9000224821, Email: yskaustubh@gmail.com
  • THIRD POSITION: Dr. Shyam Sundar Rengan, SGRH, Delhi, Mobile: 9841636774, Email: shyamrengan.sr@gmail.com

Oral Paper Session (SURGICON 2022)

  • FIRST POSITION: Dr. Rajashekhar Rao Muthineni, AIIMS, DelhiMobile: 9063558073,, Email: rajashekharrao4362@gmail.com
  • SECOND POSITIONS:Dr. Arti Anand, LHMC, DelhiMobile: 9677829289, Email: artianand1995@gmail.com 
  • THIRD POSITION: Dr. Manica Das, MAMC Delhi, Mobile: 9051573532, Email: surgery.manicadas.2020@gmail.com

Dr. Ravi Basil Poster Session (SURGICON 2022)

  • FIRST POSITION: Dr. Vaibhav Aggarwal, UCMS DelhiMobile: 7827905388, Email: vaibhavaggarwal2013@gmail.com
  • ECOND POSITION: Dr. Tushar Goyal, RML, DelhiMobile: 9871018204, Email: tusharg1995@gmail.com
  • THIRD POSITIONS:  Dr. Sripooja Makthala, MAMC, Mobile: 9060774677, Email: surgery.sripoojamakthala.20202@gmail.com

Competitive Paper Session (SURGICON 2021)

  • FIRST POSITION: Dr. Archit Garg, RML, Delhi, Mobile: 9650212472, Email: archit.garg001@gmail.com
  • SECOND POSITION: Dr. Vitish Singla, AIIMS, Delhi, Mobile: 9560995041, Email: vitishaiims@gmail.com
  • THIRD POSITION: Dr. Shobhit Sharad, LHMC, Delhi, Mobile: 9935811783, Email: shobhitsharad@gmail.com

Oral Paper Session (SURGICON 2021)

  • FIRST POSITION: Dr. Muni Varma, SGRH, Delhi, Mobile: 9936001960, Email: drmunivarma@gmail.com
  • SECOND POSITIONS: Dr. Parikshith M, RML, Delhi, Mobile: 8147535172, Email: parikshithmsims@gmail.com , Dr. Shyam Sundar Rengan, SGRH, Delhi, Mobile: 9841636674, Email: shyamrengan.sr@gmail.com
  • THIRD POSITION: Dr. Sai Divya Yadavalli, AIIMS, Delhi, Mobile: 9787482894, Email: saidivya.yadavalli@gmail.com

Poster Session (SURGICON 2021)

  • FIRST POSITION: Dr. Richa Garg, AIIMS Delhi, Mobile: 9654389799, Email: richagarg.rg96@gmail.com
  • SECOND POSITION: Dr. Vitish Singla, AIIMS, Delhi, Mobile: 9560995041, Email: vitishaiims@gmail.com
    - Dr. Janani Seshasayee, Mahe, Mobile: 9840667859, Email: janani111194@gmail.com
    - Dr. Monirah Zeya, Mobile: 8384086466, Email: monirahzeya@gmail.com
    - Dr. Naman Kuriyal, Era Medical College, Mobile: 7983856897, Email: naman.kuriyal89@gmail.com
    - Dr. Shyam Sundar Rengan, SGRH, Delhi, Mobile: 9841636674, Email: shyamrengan.sr@gmail.com
    - Dr. Sourish Mukherjee, VMMC, Delhi, Mobile : 8444090928, Email: sourish.doc@gmail.com
    - Dr. Vandhana Rajgopal, AIIMS Delhi, Mobile: 9740838622, Email: Vandhana.Raj.gopal@gmail.com

Competitive e-poster (SURGICON 2020):

    • First position: Dr. Komal Gupta, AIIMS Delhi (Title: A rare case of COVID 19 related stomach gangrene after an abortion: a case report and literature review)
    • Second position: Dr. IshitaChugh, UCMS & GTBH (Title: Co-existence of xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis and carcinoma Gall bladder)
    • Third Position :  Dr. RaghavYelamanchi: ABVIMAS & Dr. RMLH (Title: Spontaneous splenic rupture: a rare complication of acute pancreatitis) &Dr. Komal Gupta, AIIMS Delhi (Title: Intraoperative transthoracic ultrasonography in hepatopulmonary hydatid cyst disease: seeing beyond the horizon)

 Competitive Oral Paper (SURGICON 2020)

  1. FIRST: Dr. Venu Gopal, AIIMS, Delhi (Title: A RCT for evaluating the effect of PRP on wound healing in chronic diabetic foot ulcers)
  2. SECOND: Dr. Prashanth, LHMC (Title: Direct methylene blue cholecystocholangiography for assessment of intraoperative biliary anatomy during laparoscopic cholecystectomy)
  3. THIRD: Dr. Dhruv Gupta, ABVIMS & RMLH (Title: Comparison of Absorbable versus Non-Absorbable Tacks for Fixation of Mesh in Laparoscopic Midline Anterior Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair : A Randomized Study
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