By joining, you will be a member of the Association of Surgeons of India- Delhi State Chapter (ASI-DSC).
For practicing surgeons in Delhi
- You will be able to express your opinion/experience/views to fellow members.
- Scholarships, Grants, international events, observership and Fellowships in Domestic as well as foreign institutions, travelling allowances etc. will be regularly updated in ASI (DSC).
- Provides an Interactive platform between ASI chapters of other states.
- Meetings, elections and other gatherings of academic interest will be updated regularly on the website and to all members on mail.
- We are starting a scheme of professional indemnity insurance at greatly discounted rate for Delhi State Chapter members.
- We are considering setting up a Medico Legal cell for our members.
- You will get a discounted rate for any activity organized by DSC like conference, CME etc.
For post graduate students
- You will get communications and intimations for state and national conferences and CMEs where you can participate as delegate of ASI- DSC.
- Participation and presentation in these scientific meets will make you eligible for several awards including and fellowships including CME credit points. Academic interaction with teachers and examiners in various monthly meets prepares you for your forthcoming practical exams. Masterclasses are now an integral part of most academic meets.
- You can also interact with your peers and counterparts in other hospitals across Delhi and foster friendship through such academic pursuits.
- We will also provide you details of placements in various government and non- governmental vacancies and guide you on your future academic pursuits depending on your area of interest.
- Prizes:
- Best Quiz Award
- Best paper presentation (Competitive)
- Young speaker award